Crime Rate Based on Testimonies During COVID-19 Confinement


  • Laisha Ivania Olivarria del Real Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas campus Tepic
  • Alma Rosa Arellano Morelos Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas campus Tepic


Victims, COVID-19 confinement, security


The present study measures degree of satisfaction in citizens of Tepic, Nayarit regarding the security organizations of their own city, as well as to identify the types of crimes the surveyed have been victims of during the period from June to August 2020. According to the global confinement by the COVID-19 pandemic, considering quantity, frequency, criminal dynamics, characteristics of the victimizer and the processing of citizen complaints, regarding the method, a quantitative, non-experimental approach was used, with an exploring reach, descriptive and transversal scopes, carried out by means of a simple representative sampling of 182 citizens. The results showed that 73.1% are not satisfied. The types of crimes ranged from verbal harassment 9%, assault 22%, fraud 38%, and family violence 27%, among others. 67.80% mentioned having been victims. Regarding the characteristics of the victimizer 79% were unknown and 21% were known. Finally, 63% did file a citizen’s report.


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