Apitourism as an alternative for sustainable development in the common of Tanque de Luna, San Luis Potosí


  • César J. Galván Meza Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus San Luis Potosí
  • Carolina Colorado Gaeta Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus San Luis Potosí
  • Ana María Aguilera Sánchez Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus San Luis Potosí


Resilience, Bee tourism, rural tourism, governance, participatory action


The next discussion and analysis analyses a proposal that involves rural tourism, but more specifically apitourism, during the development of this discussion, we will be making reference to several concepts such as resilience, that we will define as the adaptative manner that these rural environments are trying to keep up with global changes, and how these communities are adapting to the negative impact of the contemporary crisis or even just the way that they are handling modernity, we will also be taking in consideration environmental, cultural and economic aspects that undeniably are a part of this process of adaptation. The global changes that as a society, we are going through, is what forces these rural environments and their people to adapt, for them to be able to face the crisis of modernity. The main objective of this discussion is to look out for alternatives for these communities to reach an adequate growth pattern that allows them to adapt to contemporary times, in this case the way to accomplish that, is through apitourism, which will let the population of the community to live a process of resilience. This analysis and discussion were generated by an investigation methodology, that is mainly qualitative and sustained by the participatory action, this approach would give us in one hand the ability to regain collective memory, and by the other hand it would teach them as a community the capability of local governance.


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