Determination of the Ecological Footprint of Engineering Careers in the Administrative Economic Area of the Technological University of Nayarit
Environmental impact, pro environmental competence, ecological footprintAbstract
At present, the global climate change crisis, produced by the greenhouse effect, the result of CO2 emissions derived from all human activities in different contexts and geographical areas of the planet have forced institutions to study the ecological footprint as an indicator of the impact on the environment that surrounds them, allowing to generate specific strategies to strengthen awareness of energy consumption and savings. This paper aims to arrive at an approximation of the calculation of the ecological footprint produced by a sector of the student population of the Technological University of Nayarit specifically the students of the engineering careers of the Administrative Economic Division in its operational area of influence, the calculation determined that at least 1.11 Annual Global Hectares per person is required to mitigate the environmental impact on the operational surface where they carry out their academic activities.
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