Factors of dropping out of school in a private university in Tepic from 2010 to 2018


  • Alma Rosa Arellano Morelos Universidad Vizcaya de las Américas


Desertion, Reprobation, University


The present investigation is based on the dropout of a private university in Tepic, located in the state of Nayarit, in the Mexican Republic, where a longitudinal descriptive analysis was carried out on the reasons that drove the students to abandon their studies in a period from 2010 to 2018, in this analysis it was found that the main reason for dropping out of school is failing and secondly it is the economy outside the institution, to obtain this information was based on in-depth analysis of the database of the institution, also found trends in the periods with greater abandonment, the first semester September to December and the second semester January to April have to defect. Another tendency is reprobation where it oscillates between 5 subjects of 7 studied. It was recommended the implementation of propaedeutic courses, among other things depending on the different problems detected.


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