Commodification of the Mayan Culture


  • Aurora B. Ortega Ávila Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Mérida
  • Fabiola Alexandra Téllez Brindis Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Mérida


Mayan Culture, commodification, Yucatan


This article presents the commodification of the Mayan culture and its consequences in the tourist experience and Yucatan’s indigenous population. In terms of the commodification, culture is used to promote a particular destination and sell “authentic cultural “experiences that contribute with economic benefits to the local place. The problem with commodification is that introduces a false concept of the mayan culture and the supposed economic benefits are not truly received by the host population. When the Mayan culture is commercially utilized, the commercial value replaces the original symbolic value of cultural experiences. Thus, the culture loses its role of providing the sense of identification and belonging to the individuals.


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