The knowledge and use of information and communication technologies, in micro, small and medium-sized family enterprises in the state of Nayarit
Family business, information and communication technologies, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, enterprises NayaritasAbstract
TToday, information and communication technologies (TIC´S) have become a fundamental component for the competitiveness of companies, enable business strategies and facilitate the evaluation of the performance of any organization, regardless of its size and business. today it is inadmissible to conceive a successful company without the support of TIC´S, this article aims to expose the degree of knowledge, use and mastery of information and communication technologies, within micro, small and medium companies in the state of Nayarit, for this reason an exploratory research was carried out on a part of the target population, collecting data through the creation and implementation of surveys to 105 MIPYME´S in the state of Nayarit, obtaining a result where 90.48% of family businesses have knowledge of TIC´S but do not know which are necessary for their size, business and sector, the implementation of technologies can help prevent Nayarit businesses from dying in the short term, but it is essential that those that best suit their needs and challenges are chosen.
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