The Culture of the Technological Institute of Chilpancingo in the Student and Teaching Community
Institutional culture, identity, cultural manifestationsAbstract
This article aims to describe the culture of the Technological Institute of Chilpancingo in the student and teaching community. The research is quantitative and brief descriptive, which allowed obtaining precise information to diagnose a culture divided into four variables: symbolic, behavioral, structural, and material manifestations. Some of the findings were that there is an understanding of all the elements that make up the culture of the institution such as symbolism, communication, hierarchical structures, and their regulations as well as technology and its material resources, therefore, it is suggested to implement actions to consolidate the studied rubrics in a dynamic, periodic and permanent maintenance within the institution. The study is a diagnosis that will allow the educational institution not only to have a background for the management of culture, but it will also serve as a basis for image and organizational climate studies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Katia Aleyda Manrique, Gabriela Arcos Mastache, Elia Moreno del Moral
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