Innovation in Family Micro-Enterprises in Food and Pandemic


  • María Teresa Sumaya-Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Edgar Iván Jiménez-Ruiz Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
  • Cesar Rodríguez-Quintanilla Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit


Innovation, micro enterprises, pandemic, COVID-19


In face of the economic crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic in Mexico, the mini and small enterprises had to develop strategies for their survival by reducing expenses, for example laying off employees and transforming themselves into family micro enterprises. This essay presents the importance of value networks and innovation of differentiated food products in family micro-business as a case study of ¨Integrales Sumaya¨, since the conception of the idea, product development and commercialization.
The above, with the support and permanent advice of experts in the functional food area, shows the importance of improving the micro-enterprises/university linkage to promote the competitiveness of this sector in post-pandemic times.


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