Post Covid-19 Effects in Basic Education, Case Study Salamanca, Guanajuato


  • Francisco Javier González Rojas Universidad Tecnológica de Salamanca
  • Guillermina González Ortega Universidad Tecnológica de Salamanca
  • Daniela Guadalupe Ulibarri Robles Universidad Tecnológica de Salamanca
  • André Iván Gutiérrez Mendoza Universidad Tecnológica de Salamanca


Education, COVID 19, Effects


This document displays the case study regarding the effects that were caused in the students after the COVID 19 pandemic in primary education. It reviews the changes in family dynamics and teaching and learning methodologies during this period of confinement, with the aim of schematizing these changes during the period that the students learned from home and generalizing them after a year of having studied on digital platforms, TV programs and email, the above from a mixed study with the implementation of surveys to students and indepth interviews with teachers, exposing the main conditioning factors of the Online education stage and the contrast with the recent incorporation into the classroom.


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