Design and implementation of a semester program that promotes financial education in students of the Public Accountant career taught at the Instituto Tecnológico de Chilpancingo.
Financial education, Personal finance, AdministrationAbstract
This article presents the results obtained during the development of the professional residence project at the higher education institution, whose main objective is to promote financial education in students and implement a program to be carried out every semester.
During the development of this project a descriptive crosssectional research design was used and with a quantitative approach because the degree of financial culture of the students was measured, data was collected through an online survey and as established by the program, financial education was promoted through leaflets and an infographic published in digital media, as well as through various virtual conferences for the personal and professional development of students.
Achieving an open discussion environment for students and involving them in the topics discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Minerva Gaylen Galeana Abarca, Paula Adriana Leyva Alarcón, Javier Pila Sánchez
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