Analysis of risk factors in new students from a higher education institution in South Sonora


  • Lizette Marcela Moncayo Rodríguez Universidad Estatal de Sonora
  • Julio Antonio Herrera Quijada Universidad Estatal de Sonora
  • Maribel Mávita Valenzuela Universidad Estatal de Sonora


isk factors, higher education, higher level students


Unattended risk factors can hinder the completion of university studies by university students; A risk factor is defined as an individual’s exposure that increases their probability of suffering an illness or injury, including behaving under an influence on their health and well-being. The objective of this research is to describe the personal, academic, institutional and socioeconomic risk factors present in new students enrolled in the Tutoring Program at the Technological Institute of Sonora, Navojoa Unit in the semester of August - December 2019. Data used the instrument called Multifactorial Inventory of Drug Abuse (Drug Use Screnning Inventory DUSI) in its Spanish version. The type of research was descriptive - exploratory and the sample was intentional with the newly admitted higher-level students, both sexes and different ages. It is considered important to mention that the newly admitted higher-level students presented intermediate levels of risk in behavior problems, psychological disorders, social skills and recreational activities, which, if at the time during their university life, they are not attended and considered, it will become a factor that determines the student’s possible dropout and / or delay.


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