The Communication and Marketing Faculty students´ perception about the Students Accompaniment Program of the Autonomous University of Guerrero
Tutoring, tutors, perception, studentsAbstract
Tutoring in higher education institutions is an accompaniment that is provided to the students by a tutor teacher during their professional training process, which aims to guide them in an academic and personal way so that they can complete their higher education in a successful way. The objective of this article was to describe the students´ perception regarding the performance of the tutor teacher of the Faculty of Communication and Marketing of the Autonomous University of Guerrero. The research is quantitative with a crosssectional descriptive design, within the results it was detected that the tutorial action is carried out in the institution; however, a high percentage of the respondents said that the teacher tutor has not complied with their expectations. The above allowed to identify areas of opportunity that can contribute to improve the development of the tutoring program.
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