Impact of Covid-19 on the Organizational Culture of the Food and Beverage Sector


  • Angélica Josefina Pérez Flores Universidad Tecnológica de León
  • Karina Nayeli García Ramírez Universidad Tecnológica de León
  • Karla Monserrat Álvarez Reyes Universidad Tecnológica de León


Pandemic, Covid-19, Food and beverages, Organizational culture


In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, important changes were experienced in Mexico at the national level and in the different sectors, the food and beverage industry was one of them; at the beginning of the pandemic, it was strongly affected by the various measures adopted by the health authorities, which included the total closure of the establishment to prevent the spread of the virus. With time, in the face of a better scenario in the face of the disease and the need for economic reactivation and the application of health measures in the sector, companies began to see improvement. This study arises from the need to identify the organizational culture of the food and beverage sector through the signs of illness and health that were caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study was carried out on 352 companies in the State of Guanajuato.


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